Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking for a company to meet your draining needs? At Flush & Go Drain Cleaning LLC, we offer a wide variety of services to cater to your needs! Contact us today and say goodbye to your problems!

What Locations Do You Services?

Our highly professional and experienced workers have extended our services to different areas in the vicinity of Sanford. With a little more than two decades of experience and the ideal team on board, we have guaranteed customer satisfaction to all residents of Sanford.

What is Line Jetting?

Line jetting, more commonly known as hydro jetting, is a tactic that is used for cleaning and freeing up our pipes and sewers from debris and other build-ups. Line jetting is a prevalent technique that multiple drain cleaning companies use. This popularity in its increase is because there is no way to prevent the build-up in the first place so opting for a solution is a must. Frequent line jetting can help the build-up from solidifying and becoming increasingly difficult to remove, thus decreasing the overall efficiency of your sewers.

What types of services do you offer restaurants?

Our services are targeted towards not just residential but also commercial projects. We have a range of services that can be tailored according to the restaurant’s needs, which we are working to find the most appropriate solution to their problem. We are a full service septic company. Septic tanks aside, we also offer cleaning and draining services for your pipelines and other plumbing equipment. Our installation services are extended to drain field installation. Last but not least, grease trap cleaning is amongst our many expertise that can sometimes prove to cause a great deal of hindrance in restaurants where the grease build-up is high.

How often do you need a septic pump?

When it comes to your septic tanks, regularly pumping them out is essential to ensure that they keep working efficiently. There is no fixed number of times to use a septic pump, and it is entirely dependent on your usage and the design of your septic system. Typically, septic tanks in homes are pumped once at least every two years. However, before deciding on the frequency of your septic pumping, you need to consider a few things. These include the size that the system is catering to, the amount of wastewater generated, the volume of solids in it, and the septic tank size.

What does the red indicator light mean on your Septic System?

Your Septic System is a water tank that has been buried underground. The septic system has its limitations and requirements, and for this reason, a warning sign or symbol is required to indicate to users when the system is unable to work efficiently. There red light on your septic system acts as an alarm. The minute the red indicator light goes on, it should be treated as a warning signal signifying that the water level in your pump tank has risen or dropped below the appropriate levels, and you need to attend to this situation immediately.

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